Sunday, February 25, 2007

Trip to the Ranch

My dog Callie, a Shepherd, Lab, Cattle-dog mixture really loves our family ranch the very best. It is located in San Diego county, nearest the town of San Ysabel and Julian. Ever heard of Dudley’s bakery? They have the BEST bread ever. Anyway, my Sierra Club pals and I went to the ranch for a weekend of rest, relaxation and Mexican Train! That is an absorbing dominoes game that can take hours to finish. In between eating, taking pictures and hiking, we played. The sunsets are amazing there. Callie likes the hikes the very best. She is a true Cattle dog.

This picture was taken off the back deck of the main house. Truly spectacular!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Off to Austin

Since running is my favorite sport and traveling my most treasured pastime, why not combine the 2? So off to Texas I go! It is high time to introduce my best pal Janis, to road racing. Any experienced running aficionado knows, the first stop before the race is the Running Expo. All signed up for the Austin Half Marathon, we explored the isles of run socks, clothes and sports food energy bars.

Race day came early (dark, cold, early!) and yet our spirits were excited and alert. There is nothing like a crowd of runners up at the crack of dawn, chipper and chatty about the task ahead.

I took my ritual picture with the local law enforcement, watched the early morning fireworks and off we went!

We had a blast, singing, taking in the Austin sights and of course receiving our medals at the finish line. Best part is the hot bath waiting at Janis’ home and the stack of pancakes I devoured for post-race breakfast!

Finish line - glory!!